Raewyn Morrison
Craniosacral therapy
Holistic massage
Movement Lesson
I became interested in body work therapies following a period of back pain, when a friend recommended that I try Ortho-Bionomy. It was gentle, non-intrusive and effective and I was soon free of pain. I was so impressed that I decided to train as a practitioner; I trained with Arthur Pauls in both England and Switzerland, becoming a member of the Society of Ortho-Bionomy in 1989.
Prior to this I trained in Holistic Massage gaining my ITEC certificate in 1988. My first experience of massage was in 1981 in the Sinai desert from a Bedouin, I still remember that massage, particularly the loosening of the tissues either side of my spine, it was fantastic.
I was later drawn to The Feldenkrais Method®, working with posture and the neuromuscular system to help reduce muscular effort, relieve aches and pains, and increase flexibility. I completed my 4 year training in Feldenkrais in 1999 and became a registered feldenkrais practitioner. Feldenkrais utilizes our brain's capacity for learning and is a somatic educational system,- learning from within, mind body movement. Discovering areas of my body could move, that previously I hadn't even been aware of, has been a delight.
I was interested in Craniosacral Therapy, a gentle approach to healing the body, mind and spirit. I completed my 2 year training in 2008, and became a registered Craniosacral therapist. Rather than focus on disease, craniosacral therapy aims to concentrate on the full health potential of the individual; building resource, through stillness, balance and inner calm. It's also about resolving long-standing health issues through accessing these deep levels. The sense of calm and balance after a session can be magic.
Feldenkrais -Working with Children
After being approached by parents of a baby with severe brain damage, I did an advanced feldenkrais training "Working with Children" 2014-15. The focus of the training is on children and babies with brain and neurological difficulties using body plasticity or neuroplasticity. I have continued to develop my skills in this area and between 2018 and 2020 I trained with Michelle Turner - "Movement Lesson". To see a challenged baby learn new possibilities previously thought not possible, is truly remarkable and heart warming.
I initially came to body work through my own experience of physical pain, and found a learning journey that has enriched my life.